Friday, September 26, 2008

Re Up

Why would anyone be interested in my thoughts or words ? Perhaps long after am dead and gone, i would be deemed relevant. Who knows.. Who gives a fuck really. Even though i'll like to pretend and act like it doesn't matter whether you come back or not, deep down in my soul, i sure wish u do. busted ! there u go, confessions of a blogger.

I'm kind of new to this blogging shit, seems like fun, at the same stupid, like someones got too much time on their hands and decided to rant about anything or everything that gets their attention. Hey, i kid , i kid, i clown , i clown... You need to read, its good for you, its healthy.

So, please come back, don't be fooled by the 'trying to play it cool', you know i did it before, and it didn't really work, first time i saw my self on MTV, i was with some friends, and while they shrieked and screamed, oh my God 'Nai Nai' is in the Top 10! i just grinned and winked and laid back on the couch, but deep down inside, i knew 1.2 million people would see my face over and over again for the next 5-6 months and probably recognize me at the malls, clubs, and even school and then the butterflies did a dance in my stomach ! Shoot !
GOD !!!!!

600 Days later and i still youtube and google myself. i know.. i know, vanity kills...pray for me.


Andreea89 said...

welcome to the blogosphere!!! it's nice to hear what you are up to and most certainly blogging is not stupid. i usually do it late at night when i do have the time for it. it's a great way to learn to express yourself, your emotions and just like u said the things that happend an draw your attention. so... reguarding you googleing and searching stuff with your name on them is not really a vanity act. it's more like you feel pride in your accomplishements and wou have some strong wishes of carrying on what you started. which is great! i wish all the luck in the world to you! andreea

Andreea89 said...

p.s. i don't know if my english is as good as it used to cos i lack the experience, so sorry if i made too many mistakes...

Capital B said...

Hey Andreea, First things first, i think your english is great ! if i could speak another language as fluent as that, i would consider my self a genius !! thanks for the comment, not bad for my first day, huh ? I miss Arad ! and quite relieved to hear its fine to google myself so, that being said right now, am off to googling myself again ! j/k....